The 17th and 18th centuries were the golden age of piracy, where pirates went to the ocean to begin their robbery journey, to survive the hard times of this period. Otherwise, pirates were not only men there were also female pirates even tho it wasn’t easy for them to remain on ships. Thus, let’s discover 4 prominent pirates in history.


Anne Bonny was an Irish pirate, she got married to the sailer John Bonny, and they traveled to the Bahamas where John B, became an informant for the governor of the Bahamas.. Anne wants to get divorced from John, but John refuses to divorce her so Anne disenchanted with her marriage decides to join the Calico Jack an English pirate as a crew member hence, that’s how Anne Bonny begins her journey as a female pirate.


Sayyida Al-Hurra was the governor of Tetouan a city in the north of Morocco she is also prominent for her pirate activities against the Spanish and the Portuguese empires, in which she dominated at this era the control of the whole Mediterranean Sea.


Also known as the red maiden, she was the daughter of King Rieg and the sister of King Tesondus, her brother lost the kingdom facing Denmark. Rusla was enraged at seeing Danes in charge of her nation and her brother didn’t appear to be upset about losing the crown, so Rusla decided to become a pirate attacking anyone who displayed loyalty to Denmark.


Jeanne -de Clisson was a French noblewoman and Breton former, King Philip VI of France executed her husband, her agony led her to go on a 13-year board ship as a pirate and a privateer in which she raised a force of 400 men to start attacking the French forces in Brittany as a revenge to her husband’s execution.

So I hope y’all enjoyed it don’t forget to share your thoughts with us down below.// TAKE CARE//


  1. I took a course on piracy and the role of women in it is fascinating although much lesser known. I believe Anne Bonny is probably the most famous one of them all, she is probably the most well known female pirates. Really interesting post.

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