A month ago I was reading my old journals and I was like ashamed about my old writing way …… yeah I know that a lot of people also experienced that feeling WHY? i really want to know why we are ashamed about the old selves ????!!!

We spend hours and days to question ourselves about what makes us happy? or For example, what is our biggest fear?…… but shame personally never until this past few days .We spent decades living on it with no reasons. we forgot that the person that you are ashamed of is you and me instead of feeling ashamed for example about my old way of writing I should feel proud of myself and happy cause I changed in a beautiful way and my thoughts changed in a wonderful level

personally, I don’t think that we can make her vanish from our lives but we should not let her hang out all the time

Curious to see y’all thoughts\\ XOXO \\


  1. Exactly 💯 Instead of discouraging ourselves, we should motivate our inner soul and fight back because what we are today only because of what we were yesterday…We should be proud of ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree with you. Sometimes instead of feeling down, I laugh at some of the immature things I did or said. I am much better now and that is what matters. Thanks for sharing🌸

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I totally agree with you.

    Sometimes instead of feeling down, I laugh at some of the immature things I did or even said. I am much better than I used to be and that is what matters.

    Thanks for sharing🌸

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Our past is our experience on which we build our present and probability of future self. So, we should be proud of ourselves that we have gone through so much and endured and now we are our own improvised versions.

    Liked by 1 person

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